Source code for rampedpyrox.timedata

This module contains the TimeData superclass and all corresponding subclasses.

from __future__ import(

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['RpoThermogram']

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings

from numpy.linalg import norm

#import exceptions
from .exceptions import(

#import helper functions
from .core_functions import(

from .plotting_helper import(

from .summary_helper import(

from .model_helper import(

from .timedata_helper import(

class TimeData(object):
	Class to store time-dependent data. Intended for subclassing, do not call

	def __init__(self, t, T, g = None, g_std = None, T_std = None):
		Initialize the superclass.

		t : array-like
			Array of timepoints, in seconds. Length `nt`.

		T : array-like
			Array of temperature, in Kelvin. Length `nt`.

		g : None or array-like
			Array of the true fraction of carbon remaining at each timepoint,
			with length `nt`. Defaults to `None`.

		g_std : None or array-like
			Standard deviation of `g`, with length `nt`. Defaults to `None`.

		T_std : scalar or array-like
			The standard deviation of `T`, with length `nt`, in Kelvin. 
			Defaults to `None`.

		#store time-temperature attributes
		nt = len(t)
		self.nt = nt
		self.t = assert_len(t, nt) #s
		self.T = assert_len(T, nt) #K

		if T_std is not None:

			#only store T_std if it exists (NONE for RPO, keep for future)
			self.T_std = assert_len(T_std, nt) #K

		#store time-temperature derivatives
		self.dTdt = derivatize(self.T, self.t) #K/s

		#check if g and store
		if g is not None:

			#assert that g remains between 0 and 1
			if np.max(g) > 1 or np.min(g) < 0:
				raise ArrayError(
					'g array must remain between 0 and 1 (fractional)')

			self.g = assert_len(g, nt) #fraction

			if g_std is not None:

				#only store g_std if it exists (NONE for RPO, keep for future)
				self.g_std = assert_len(g_std, nt) #fraction

			#store g derivatives
			self.dgdt = derivatize(g, self.t)
			self.dgdT = derivatize(g, self.T)

	#define class method for creating instance directly from .csv file
	def from_csv(cls, file):
		raise NotImplementedError

	#define method for forward-modeling rate data using a given model
	def forward_model(self, model, ratedata):
		Forward-models rate data for a given model and creates timedata

		model : rp.Model
			``rp.Model`` instance used to calculate the forward model.

		ratedata : rp.RateData
			``rp.Ratedata instance containing the reactive continuum data.

			If the time-temperature data in the ``rp.Model`` instance do not 
			match the time-temperature data in the ``rp.TimeData`` instance.

		#warn if self and model t and T arrays do not match
		td_type = type(self).__name__
		mod_type = type(model).__name__

		if (self.t != model.t).any() or (self.T != model.T).any():
				'rp.TimeTata instance of type %s and rp.Model instance of'
				' type %s do not contain matching time-temperature arrays.'
				' Check that the model does not correspond to a different'
				' rp.TimeData instance' %(td_type, mod_type), UserWarning)

		#calculate forward-modelled g estimate, ghat
		ghat = _calc_ghat(model, ratedata)

		#populate with modelled data

	#define method for inputting the results from a model fit
	def input_estimated(self, ghat):
		Method to input modelled estimate data into ``rp.TimeData`` instance 
		and to calculate corresponding derivatives and statistics.

		ghat : array-like
			Array of estimated fraction of total carbon remaining at each 
			timestep. Length `nt`.

		#ensure type and size
		nt = self.nt
		ghat = assert_len(ghat, nt)

		#calculate derived attributes and store
		self.dghatdt = derivatize(ghat, self.t)
		self.dghatdT = derivatize(ghat, self.T)
		self.ghat = ghat

		#store RMSE if the model has true data, g
		if hasattr(self, 'g'):

			resid = norm(self.g - ghat)/nt**0.5
			self.resid = resid

	#define plotting method
	def plot(self, ax = None, labs = None, md = None, rd = None):
		Method for plotting ``rp.TimeData`` instance data.

		axis : matplotlib.axis or None
			Axis handle to plot on. Defaults to `None`.

		labs : tuple
			Tuple of axis labels, in the form (x_label, y_label).
			Defaults to `None`.

		md : tuple or None
			Tuple of modelled data, in the form  (x_data, y_data). Defaults
			to `None`.

		rd : tuple
			Tuple of real (observed) data, in the form (x_data, y_data). 
			Defaults to `None`.

		ax : matplotlib.axis
			Updated axis handle containing data.

		#create axis if necessary and label
		if ax is None:
			_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

		#label axes if labels exist
		if labs is not None:

		#add real data if it exists
		if rd is not None:
				linewidth = 2,
				color = 'k',
				label = 'Observed Data')

			#set limits
			ax.set_xlim([0, 1.1*np.max(rd[0])])
			ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1*np.max(rd[1])])
		#add model-estimated data if it exists
		if md is not None:

			#plot the model-estimated total
				linewidth = 2,
				color = 'r',
				label = 'Model-estimated data')

			#(re)set limits
			ax.set_xlim([0, 1.1*np.max(md[0])])
			ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1*np.max(md[1])])

		#remove duplicate legend entries
		han_list, lab_list = _rem_dup_leg(ax)
			loc = 'best',
			frameon = False)

		#make tight layout

		return ax

[docs]class RpoThermogram(TimeData): __doc__=''' Class for inputting and storing Ramped PyrOx true (observed) and estimated (forward-modelled) thermograms, calculating goodness of fit statistics, and reporting summary tables. Parameters ---------- t : array-like Array of time, in seconds. Length `nt`. T : array-like Array of temperature, in Kelvin. Length `nt`. g : None or array-like Array of the true fraction of carbon remaining at each timepoint, with length `nt`. Defaults to `None`. Warnings -------- UserWarning If attempting to use isothermal data to create an ``rp.RpoThermogram`` instance. Consider using an alternate ``rp.TimeData`` subclass (to be added in future versions). Notes ----- **Important:** The inverse model used herein is highly sensitive to boundary effects. To avoid unnecessarily large regularizations ensure that inputted data are completely at baseline (ppm CO2 = 0) at the beginning and the end of the experiment (can use the `bl_subtract` flag to enforce that this is true.) See Also -------- Daem ``rp.Model`` subclass used to generate the distributed activation energy model (DAEM) transform matrix for RPO data and translate between time- and E-space. EnergyComplex ``rp.RateData`` subclass for storing and analyzing RPO energy (rate) data. Examples -------- Generating an arbitrary bare-bones thermogram containing only `t` and `T`:: #import modules import numpy as np import rampedpyrox as rp #generate arbitrary data t = np.arange(1,100) #100 second experiment beta = 0.5 #K/second T = beta*t + 273.15 #K #create instance tg = rp.RpoThermogram(t,T) Generating a real thermogram using an RPO output .csv file and the ``rp.RpoThermogram.from_csv`` class method, and subtracting the baseline:: #import modules import rampedpyrox as rp #create path to data file file = 'path_to_folder_containing_data/thermogram_data.csv' #create instance using baseline-subtracted CO2 data tg = rp.RpoThermogram.from_csv( file, bl_subtract = True, nt = 250) #number of down-sampled time points Manually adding some model-estimated fraction remaining data as `ghat`:: #assuming ghat has been generating using a ``rp.Daem`` model tg.input_estimated(ghat) Or, instead, you can input model-estimated g data directly from a given ``rp.Daem`` and ``rp.EnergyComplex`` instance (*i.e.* run the forward model):: #assuming ``rp.Daem`` named daem and ``rp.EnergyComplex`` named ec tg.forward_model(daem, ec) Plotting the resulting observed and modelled thermograms (note scatter when plotted against temp due to short fluctuations in measured ramp rate. For a "smooth" plot, always plot against time, as this is the master variable.):: #import additional modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2) #plot resulting rates against time and temp ax[0] = tg.plot( ax = ax[0], xaxis = 'time', yaxis = 'rate') ax[1] = tg.plot( ax = ax[1], xaxis = 'temp', yaxis = 'rate') Printing a summary of the observed and modelled thermograms:: print(tg.tg_info) print(tg.tghat_info) **Attributes** dghatdt : numpy.ndarray Array of the derivative of the estimated fraction of carbon remaining with respect to time at each timepoint, in fraction/second. Length `nt`. dghatdT : numpy.ndarray Array of the derivative of the estimated fraction of carbon remaining with respect to temperature at each timepoint, in fraction/Kelvin. Length `nt`. dgdt : numpy.ndarray Array of the derivative of the true fraction of carbon remaining with respect to time at each timepoint, in fraction/second. Length `nt`. dgdT : numpy.ndarray Array of the derivative of the true fraction of carbon remaining with respect to temperature at each timepoint, in fraction/Kelvin. Length `nt`. dTdt : numpy.ndarray Array of the derivative of temperature with respect to time (*i.e.* the instantaneous ramp rate) at each timepoint, in Kelvin/second. Length `nt`. g : numpy.ndarray Array of the true fraction of carbon remaining at each timepoint. Length `nt`. ghat : numpy.ndarray Array of the estimated fraction of carbon remaining at each timepoint. Length `nt`. nt : int Number of timepoints. resid : float The residual root mean square error (RMSE) between observed and modelled thermograms, g and ghat. t : numpy.ndarray Array of timepoints, in seconds. Length `nt`. T : numpy.ndarray Array of temperature, in Kelvin. Length `nt`. tg_info : pd.Series Series containing the observed thermogram summary info: t_max (s), \n t_mean (s), \n t_std (s), \n T_max (K), \n T_mean (K), \n T_std (K), \n max_rate (frac/s), \n max_rate (frac/K), \n tghat_info : pd.Series Series containing the modelled thermogram summary info: t_max (s), \n t_mean (s), \n t_std (s), \n T_max (K), \n T_mean (K), \n T_std (K), \n max_rate (frac/s), \n max_rate (frac/K), \n ''' def __init__(self, t, T, g = None): #warn if T is scalar if isinstance(T, (int, float)) or len(set(T)) == 1: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to use isothermal data for RPO run! T is a scalar' ' value of: %r. Consider using an isothermal model type' ' instead.' % T, UserWarning) super(RpoThermogram, self).__init__( t, T, g = g, g_std = None, #force to be None for RPO T_std = None) #force to be None for RPO #if g exists, add RPO-specific summary file if g is not None: self.tg_info = _calc_RPO_info(self.t, self.T, self.g) #define class method for creating instance directly from .csv file
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv( cls, file, bl_subtract = True, nt = 250): ''' Class method to directly import RPO data from a .csv file and create an ``rp.RpoThermogram`` class instance. Parameters ---------- file : str or pd.DataFrame File containing thermogram data, either as a path string or a dataframe. bl_subtract : Boolean Tells the program whether or not to linearly subtract the baseline such that ppmCO2 returns to 0 at the beginning and end of the run. Defaults to `True`. **To minimize boundary effects, this should typically be set to `True` regardless of previous data treatment.** nt : int The number of time points to use. Defaults to 250. Notes ----- If using the `all_data` file generated by the NOSAMS RPO LabView program, the date_time column must be converted to **hh:mm:ss AM/PM** format and a header row should be added with the following columns: date_time, \n T_room, \n P_room, \n CO2_raw, \n corr_int, \n corr_slope, \n temp, \n CO2_scaled, \n flow_rate, \n dTdt, \n fraction, \n ug_frac, \n ug_sum (Note that all columns besides `date_time`, `temp`, and `CO2_scaled` are unused.) Ensure that all rows before the start of temperature ramping and after the ovens have been turned off have been removed. When down-sampling, `t` contains the midpoints of each time bin and `g` and `T` contain the corresponding temp. and fraction remaining at each midpoint. See Also -------- RpoIsotopes.from_csv Classmethod for creating ``rp.RpoIsotopes`` instance directly from a .csv file. ''' #extract data from file g, t, T = _rpo_extract_tg( file, nt, bl_subtract = bl_subtract) return cls(t, T, g = g)
#define method for inputting forward-modelled data
[docs] def forward_model(self, model, ratedata): ''' Forward-models rate data for a given model and populates the thermogram with model-estimated data. Parameters ---------- model : rp.Model The ``rp.Daem`` instance used to calculate the forward model. ratedata : rp.RateData The ``rp.EnergyComplex`` instance containing the reactive continuum data. Warnings -------- UserWarning If using an an isothermal model type for an RPO run. UserWarning If using a non-energy complex ratedata type for an RPO run. Raises ------ ArrayError If `nE` is not the same in the ``rp.Model`` instance and the ``rp.RateData`` instance. ArrayError If `nt` is not the same in the ``rp.Model`` instance and the ``rp.TimeData`` instance. ArrayError If the ``rp.RateData`` instance has no attribute `p`. See Also -------- input_estimated Method used for inputting model-estimated data directly. EnergyComplex.inverse_model Class for creating an ``rp.EnergyComplex`` instance and calculating the inverse model. ''' #warn if model is not Daem mod_type = type(model).__name__ if mod_type not in ['Daem']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate thermogram using a model instance of' ' type %r. Consider using rp.Daem instance instead' % mod_type, UserWarning) #warn if ratedata is not EnergyComplex rd_type = type(ratedata).__name__ if rd_type not in ['EnergyComplex']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate thermogram using a ratedata instance' ' of type %r. Consider using rp.EnergyComplex instance' ' instead' % rd_type, UserWarning) #raise exception if no p data exist if not hasattr(ratedata, 'p'): raise ArrayError( 'EnergyComplex has no p array!') #raise exception if not the right shape if model.nE != ratedata.nE: raise ArrayError( 'Cannot combine model with nE = %r and RateData with' ' nE = %r. Check that RateData was not created using' ' a different model' % (model.nE, ratedata.nE)) #raise exception if not the right shape if model.nt != self.nt: raise ArrayError( 'Cannot combine model with nt = %r and TimeData with' ' nt = %r. Check that the mode was not created using' ' different time data' % (model.nt, self.nt)) #call the superclass method super(RpoThermogram, self).forward_model(model, ratedata) return
#define method for inputting model-estimate data
[docs] def input_estimated(self, ghat): ''' Inputs estimated thermogram into the ``rp.RpoThermogram`` instance and calculates statistics. Parameters ---------- ghat : array-like Array of estimated fraction of total carbon remaining at each timestep. Length `nt`. See Also -------- forward_model Method for directly inputting estimated data from a given model and ratedata. ''' #call the superclass method super(RpoThermogram, self).input_estimated(ghat) #add RPO-specific modelled tg summary file self.tghat_info = _calc_RPO_info(self.t, self.T, ghat)
#define plotting method
[docs] def plot(self, ax = None, xaxis = 'time', yaxis = 'rate'): ''' Plots the true and model-estimated thermograms against time or temp. Parameters ---------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None`, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. xaxis : str Sets the x axis unit, either 'time' or 'temp'. Defaults to 'time'. yaxis : str Sets the y axis unit, either 'fraction' or 'rate'. Defaults to 'rate'. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. Raises ------ StringError If `xaxis` is not 'time' or 'temp'. StringError if `yaxis` is not 'fraction' or 'rate'. ''' #check that axes are appropriate strings if xaxis not in ['time','temp']: raise StringError( 'xaxis does not accept %r. Must be either "time" or "temp"' %xaxis) elif yaxis not in ['fraction','rate']: raise StringError( 'yaxis does not accept %r. Must be either "rate" or' ' "fraction"' %yaxis) #extract axis label ditionary rpo_labs = _plot_dicts('rpo_labs', self) labs = ( rpo_labs[xaxis][yaxis][0], rpo_labs[xaxis][yaxis][1]) #check if real data exist if hasattr(self, 'g'): #extract real data dict rpo_rd = _plot_dicts('rpo_rd', self) rd = ( rpo_rd[xaxis][yaxis][0], rpo_rd[xaxis][yaxis][1]) else: rd = None #check if modelled data exist if hasattr(self, 'ghat'): #extract modelled data dict rpo_md = _plot_dicts('rpo_md', self) md = ( rpo_md[xaxis][yaxis][0], rpo_md[xaxis][yaxis][1]) else: md = None ax = super(RpoThermogram, self).plot( ax = ax, md = md, labs = labs, rd = rd) return ax
#TODO: ADD DOCUMENTATION!! class BioDecay(TimeData): __doc__ = ''' Class for inputting and storing IsoCaRB true (observed) and estimated (forward-modelled) decay profiles, calculating goodness of fit statistics, and reporting summary tables. Parameters ---------- t : array-like Array of time, in seconds. Length `nt`. T : array-like Array of incubation temperature, in Kelvin. g : None or array-like Array of the true fraction of carbon remaining at each timepoint, with length `nt`. Defaults to `None`. Warnings -------- Notes ----- See Also -------- Examples -------- **Attributes** ''' def __init__(self, t, T, g = None): super(BioDecay, self).__init__( t, T, g = g, g_std = None, #force to be None for BioDecay T_std = None) #force to be None for BioDecay #if g exists add Bioreactor-specific summary file if g is not None: self.bd_info = _calc_BD_info( self.t, self.T, self.g ) #define class method for creating instance directly from .csv file @classmethod def from_csv( cls, all_file, sam_file, mins_before_zero = 30, Vmedia0 = 2000, Vhs0 = 3750, Fsysblk = [35, 1], downsampled_dt = None, Ctot_mano = None, IRGA_error = 1.0, mano_error = 0.01, bl_subtract = True, nt = 250,): ''' Class method to directly import IsoCaRB data from a .csv file and create an ``rp.BioDecay`` class instance. Parameters ---------- all_file : str or pd.DataFrame File containing timeseries data, either as a path string or a dataframe. sam_file : str or pd.DataFrame File containing sampling data (baseline checks, liquid subsampling times and volumes, cell counts), either as a path string or a dataframe. First row must contain innoculation time (t0) timestamp. mins_before_zero : scalar Number of minutes before t0 to retain in final data. Defaults to `30`. Vmedia0 : scalar Initial volume of media used in experiment, in mL. Defaults to `2000`. Vhs0 : scalar Initial headspace volume for experiment, in mL. Defaults to `4000`. Fsysblk : list Constant flux of system blank carbon, as reported in Beaupre et al., (2016), in units of ugC day-1. First value is the mean and second value is the +/- 1 sigma uncertainty. Defaults to `[10, 1]`. downsampled_dt : scalar or None: Timestep to be used in final, downsampled data (in minutes). If `None`, no downsampling is performed and returned `all_data` will have 1-minutes timesteps. Ctot_mano : scalar or None The total carbon yield as determined by the sum of manometric measurements for each collected fraction. Used to re-scale flux values to ensure sum is equal to manometric sum. If `None`, no rescaling is performed. Defaults to `None`. IRGA_error : scalar One-sigma uncertainty of the infrared gas analyzer, in ppm. Defaults to `1`. mano_erro : scalar One-sigma relative uncertainty of the manometer, to be used when scaling photometric yields to manometric ones. Reported in fraction of total mass (i.e. a value of 0.01 means 1% relative uncertainty). Defualts to `0.01`. bl_subtract : Boolean Tells the program whether or not to linearly subtract the baseline such that ppmCO2 returns to 0 at the beginning and end of the run. Defaults to `True`. **To minimize boundary effects, this should typically be set to `True` regardless of previous data treatment.** nt : int The number of time points to use. Defaults to `250`. Notes ----- If using the `all_data` file generated by the IsoCaRB LabView program, the date_time column must be converted to **m/d/yy hh:mm AM/PM** format and a header row should be added with the following columns: date_time, \n temp, \n p_room, \n pCO2, \n CO2_raw, \n baseline, \n ref, \n ref_meas, \n CO2_scaled, \n flow_rate, \n fraction, \n ug_frac, \n ug_sum Note that all columns besides `date_time`, `temp`, `p_room`, `CO2_scaled`, and `flow_rate` are unused. Ensure that `all_file` and `sam_file` timestamps are aligned (i.e. this will give an error if `sam_file` timestamps are not contained within `all_data'. When down-sampling, `t` contains the midpoints of each time bin and `g` contains the corresponding fraction remaining at each midpoint. See Also -------- BioIsotopes.from_csv Classmethod for creating ``rp.BioIsotopes`` instance directly from a .csv file. ''' #extract all data from file and perform data reduction, blank # correction, and volume normalization calculations ad, sd = _bd_data_reduction( all_file, sam_file, mins_before_zero = mins_before_zero, Vmedia0 = Vmedia0, Vhs0 = Vhs0, Fsysblk = Fsysblk, downsampled_dt = downsampled_dt, Ctot_mano = Ctot_mano, IRGA_error = IRGA_error, mano_error = mano_error) #using 't_elapsed' and 'ugC_minL' columns, downsample and calculate # `t` and `g`, the fraction of OC remaining. #extract data from file (use same helper function as thermogram) g, t, T = _bd_extract_profile( ad, nt, bl_subtract = bl_subtract) #store in class instance bd = cls(t, T, g = g) #store all data and sample data information bd.all_data = ad bd.sam_data = sd return bd #define method for calculating bacterial growth efficiency def calc_BGE(self, cell_counts_err = None, alpha = [50, 1]): ''' Function to calculate bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) over the course of a biodecay experiment using 'all_data' and 'sam_data' files inputted using the `from_csv` method. Requires that 'sam_data' contains column called 'cell_ct'. Parameters ---------- cell_counts_err : None, scalar, or pd.Series Series containing cell count uncertainty to be used to calculate BGE uncertainty. If `None`, cell counts are assumed to be known perfectly. If scalar, assumed to be fractional uncertainty and applied to all values (i.e. a value of 0.01 means all measurements have 1 % relative uncertainty). Defaults to `None`. alpha : list List of mass of carbon per cell and associated uncertainty (+/- 1 sigma), in femtograms. Defaults to `[50, 1]`. Raises ------ AttributeError If BioDecay object does not contain 'all_data' or 'sam_data' attributes. AttributeError If BioDecay object 'sam_data' table does not contain a column called 'cell_ct'. References ---------- PER CELL CARBON MASS REFERENCE? GET FROM NAGISSA! ''' #check that object has all_data and sam_data attributes if not hasattr(self, 'all_data') or not hasattr(self, 'sam_data'): raise AttributeError( 'bd object does not have "all_data" and/or "sam_data"' \ ' attributes. Try importing from csv files.') #check that sam_data has 'cell_ct' column if 'cell_ct' not in self.sam_data.columns: raise AttributeError( 'sam_data attribute in bd object does not contain "cell_ct"' \ ' column. Double check inputted data') #calculate BGE self.BGE = _bd_calc_bge( self.all_data['ugC_minL'], self.sam_data['cell_ct'], Cflux_err = self.all_data['Cflux_err'], cell_counts_err = cell_counts_err, alpha = alpha) return #define method for inputting forward-modelled data def forward_model(self, model, ratedata): ''' Forward-models rate data for a given model and populates the BioDecay profile with model-estimated data. Parameters ---------- model : rp.Model The ``rp.LaplaceTransform`` instance used to calculate the forward model. ratedata : rp.RateData The ``rp.kDist`` instance containing the reactive continuum data. Warnings -------- UserWarning If using a non-Laplace transform model type for an IsoCaRB run. UserWarning If using a non-kDist ratedata type for an IsoCaRB run. Raises ------ ArrayError If `nk` is not the same in the ``rp.Model`` instance and the ``rp.RateData`` instance. ArrayError If `nt` is not the same in the ``rp.Model`` instance and the ``rp.TimeData`` instance. ArrayError If the ``rp.RateData`` instance has no attribute `p`. See Also -------- input_estimated Method used for inputting model-estimated data directly. kDist.inverse_model Class for creating an ``rp.kDist`` instance and calculating the inverse model. ''' #warn if model is not LaplaceTransform mod_type = type(model).__name__ if mod_type not in ['LaplaceTransform']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate BioDecay using a model instance of' ' type %r. Consider using rp.LaplaceTransform instance instead' % mod_type, UserWarning) #warn if ratedata is not kDist rd_type = type(ratedata).__name__ if rd_type not in ['kDist']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate BioDecay profile using a ratedata' ' instance of type %r. Consider using rp.kDist instance' ' instead' % rd_type, UserWarning) #raise exception if no p data exist if not hasattr(ratedata, 'p'): raise ArrayError( 'kDist has no p array!') #raise exception if not the right shape if model.nE != ratedata.nE: raise ArrayError( 'Cannot combine model with nk = %r and RateData with' ' nk = %r. Check that RateData was not created using' ' a different model' % (model.nE, ratedata.nE)) #raise exception if not the right shape if model.nt != self.nt: raise ArrayError( 'Cannot combine model with nt = %r and TimeData with' ' nt = %r. Check that the mode was not created using' ' different time data' % (model.nt, self.nt)) #call the superclass method super(BioDecay, self).forward_model(model, ratedata) return #define method for inputting model-estimated data def input_estimated(self, ghat): ''' Inputs estimated BioDecay profile into the ``rp.BioDecay`` instance and calculates statistics. Parameters ---------- ghat : array-like Array of estimated fraction of total carbon remaining at each timestep. Length `nt`. See Also -------- forward_model Method for directly inputting estimated data from a given model and ratedata. ''' #call the superclass method super(BioDecay, self).input_estimated(ghat) #add BioDecay-specific modelled bd summary file self.bdhat_info = _calc_BD_info(self.t, self.T, ghat) #define method to plot timedata info (analagous to RpoThermogram.plot()) def plot(self, ax = None, xaxis = 'secs', yaxis = 'rate'): ''' Plots the true and model-estimated decay profiles against time. Parameters ---------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None`, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. xaxis : str Sets the x axis unit, either 'secs', 'mins', 'hours', or 'days'. Defaults to seconds. yaxis : str Sets the y axis unit, either 'fraction' or 'rate'. Defaults to 'rate'. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. Raises ------ StringError if `yaxis` is not 'fraction' or 'rate'. ''' #check that axes are appropriate strings xl = ['secs', 'Secs', 'seconds', 'Seconds', 'mins', 'minutes', 'Mins', 'Minutes', 'hours', 'Hours', 'days', 'Days', ] if xaxis not in xl: raise StringError( 'xaxis does not accept %r. Must be "mins", "hours",'\ ' or "days"' %xaxis) elif yaxis not in ['fraction','rate']: raise StringError( 'yaxis does not accept %r. Must be either "rate" or' ' "fraction"' %yaxis) #ensure x axis is correct for dictionary extraction if xaxis in ['secs','Secs','seconds','Seconds']: xaxis = 'secs' elif xaxis in ['mins','minuts','Mins','Minutes']: xaxis = 'mins' elif xaxis in ['hours','Hours']: xaxis = 'hours' else: xaxis = 'days' #extract axis label dictionary bd_labs = _plot_dicts('bd_labs', self) labs = ( bd_labs[xaxis][yaxis][0], bd_labs[xaxis][yaxis][1]) #check if real data exist if hasattr(self, 'g'): #extract real data dict bd_rd = _plot_dicts('bd_rd', self) rd = ( bd_rd[xaxis][yaxis][0], bd_rd[xaxis][yaxis][1]) else: rd = None #check if modelled data exist if hasattr(self, 'ghat'): #extract modelled data dict bd_md = _plot_dicts('rpo_md', self) md = ( bd_md[xaxis][yaxis][0], bd_md[xaxis][yaxis][1]) else: md = None ax = super(BioDecay, self).plot( ax = ax, md = md, labs = labs, rd = rd) return ax #define method to plot inputted experimental results (ppmCO2, BGE, etc.) #TODO: MIGRATE SWITCH CASES TO PLOTTING_HELPER PLOT_DICTS FUNCTION! def plot_experimental( self, ax = None, xaxis = 'mins', yaxis = 'Cflux', overlay = None, overlay_ax = None): ''' Plots the true and model-estimated decay profiles against time. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. overlay_ax : matplotlib.axis Axis for overlaid plot, if it exists. Otherwise, not exported. Raises ------ AttributeError If BioDecay object does not contain `all_data` attribute AttributeError If BioDecay object does not contain `BGE` attribute (only raised if performing BGE overlay plot) StringError If `xaxis` is not 'mins', 'hours', or 'days'. StringError If `yaxis` is not 'ppmCO2' or 'Cflux'. StringError If `overlay` is not 'BGE' or None. ''' #check that object has all_data and sam_data attributes if not hasattr(self, 'all_data'): raise AttributeError( 'bd object does not have "all_data" attribute. Try importing' \ ' from csv files.') #check that axes are appropriate strings xl = ['secs', 'Secs', 'seconds', 'Seconds', 'mins', 'minutes', 'Mins', 'Minutes', 'hours', 'Hours', 'days', 'Days', ] if xaxis not in xl: raise StringError( 'xaxis does not accept %r. Must be "mins", "hours",'\ ' or "days"' %xaxis) #check that axes are appropriate strings yl = ['ppmCO2', 'CO2', 'Cflux', 'ugC_minL', ] if yaxis not in yl: raise StringError( 'yaxis does not accept %r. Must be "ppmCO2" or "Cflux"' %yaxis) #check that overlay is the right string or none ol = ['bge','BGE', None] if overlay not in ol: raise StringError( 'overlay does not accept %r. Must be "BGE" or None' %overlay) #check x axis input strings and extract appropriate data if xaxis in ['secs','Secs','seconds','Seconds']: x = self.all_data['t_elapsed'] * 60 xlab = 'Elapsed time (seconds)' elif xaxis in ['mins','minutes','Mins','Minutes']: x = self.all_data['t_elapsed'] xlab = 'Elapsed time (minutes)' elif xaxis in ['hours','Hours']: x = self.all_data['t_elapsed'] / 60 xlab = 'Elapsed time (hours)' elif xaxis in ['days','Days']: x = self.all_data['t_elapsed'] / (60*24) xlab = 'Elapsed time (days)' #check y axis input strings and extract appropriate data if yaxis in ['ppmCO2','CO2']: y = self.all_data['CO2_nohs'] ye = self.all_data['CO2_err'] ylab = r'Corrected ppm $CO_{2}$' elif yaxis in ['Cflux','ugC_minL']: y = self.all_data['ugC_minL'] ye = self.all_data['Cflux_err'] ylab = r'Carbon flux $(\mu g C min^{-1} L^{-1})$' #make axis if it does not exist if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) #plot data ax.plot(x, y, lw = 1, c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ) ax.fill_between(x, y - ye, y + ye, lw = 0, color = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], alpha = 0.3 ) #add labels ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) #make overlay plot if necessary if overlay in ['bge','BGE']: #ensure BGE attribute exists if not hasattr(self, 'BGE'): raise AttributeError( 'bd object does not have "BGE" attribute. Try calculating' \ ' using "calc_bge" method.') #make axis if necessary if overlay_ax is None: #twinx to overlay on same plot overlay_ax = ax.twinx() #plot BGE data overlay_ax = _bd_plot_bge( x, self.BGE['mean'], bge_err = self.BGE['err'], ax = overlay_ax, ymin = 0.0, ymax = 1.0) #store axes axes = (ax, overlay_ax) #FUTURE ADDITIONS: Add other overplots as 'elif' statements. else: #store axis axes = ax return axes if __name__ == '__main__': import rampedpyrox as rp