Source code for rampedpyrox.results

This module contains the Results superclass and all corresponding subclasses.

from __future__ import(

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['RpoIsotopes']

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings

from collections import Sequence

#import exceptions
from .exceptions import(

#import helper functions
from .core_functions import(

from .plotting_helper import(

from .summary_helper import(

from .results_helper import(

class Results(object):
	Class to store resulting data (e.g. Rpo isotopes, pyGC composition, etc.).
	Intended for subclassing. Do not call directly.

	def __init__(self):
		Initialize the superclass
		raise NotImplementedError

	#define classmethod for creating instance and populating measured values
	# directly from a .csv file
	def from_csv(cls, file):
		raise NotImplementedError

	#define plotting method
	def plot(self, ax = None, labs = None, md = None, rd = None):
		Method for plotting ``rp.TimeData`` instance data.

		axis : matplotlib.axis or None
			Axis handle to plot on. Defaults to `None`.

		labs : tuple
			Tuple of axis labels, in the form (x_label, y_label).
			Defaults to `None`.

		md : tuple or None
			Tuple of modelled (i.e. rate distributions for each fraction)
			data, in the form  (x_data, y_data). Defaults to `None`.
			Only exists for plots of fraction-specific rate data.

		rd : tuple
			Tuple of real (observed) data, in the form (x_data, y_data). 
			Defaults to `None`. If this is a scatter plot of isotope results,
			then tuple is in the form (x_data, y_data, x_std, y_std).

		ax : matplotlib.axis
			Updated axis handle containing data.

		#create axis if necessary and label
		if ax is None:
			_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

		#label axes if labels exist
		if labs is not None:

		#add fraction-specific rate data if it exists
		if md is not None:

			#loop through each fraction and plot
			for frac in md[1]:

					facecolor = [0.3,0.3,0.3],
					edgecolor = 'k',
					alpha = 0.3,
					label = r'$\Pi_{f}(E)$')

			#set limits
			ax.set_xlim([0.9*np.min(md[0]), 1.1*np.max(md[0])])
			ax.set_ylim([0.9*np.min(md[1]), 1.1*np.max(md[1])])

			#add real data (i.e. total rate data) if it exists
			if rd is not None:
					linewidth = 2,
					color = 'k',
					label = r'$p(0,E)$')

				#(re)set limits
				ax.set_xlim([0.9*np.min(rd[0]), 1.1*np.max(rd[0])])
				ax.set_ylim([0.9*np.min(rd[1]), 1.1*np.max(rd[1])])


			#plot the isotope vs. rate scatter plots
				xerr = rd[2], 
				yerr = rd[3],
				marker = 'o',
				ecolor = 'k',
				markersize = 12,
				mec = 'k',
				mfc = 'w',
				elinewidth = 1,
				markeredgewidth = 1,
				capsize = 0,
				ls = 'none')

			#set x limits
			ax.set_xlim([0.9*np.min(rd[0]), 1.1*np.max(rd[0])])

			#determine y spread and set limits
			ymin = np.min(rd[1]) - 0.1*(np.max(rd[1]) - np.min(rd[1]))
			ymax = np.max(rd[1]) + 0.1*(np.max(rd[1]) - np.min(rd[1]))

			ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])

		#remove duplicate legend entries
		han_list, lab_list = _rem_dup_leg(ax)
			loc = 'best',
			frameon = False)

		#make tight layout

		return ax

[docs]class RpoIsotopes(Results): __doc__=''' Class for inputting Ramped PyrOx isotopes, calculating p(0,E) contained in each RPO fraction, correcting isotope values for blank contribution, mass balance, and kinetic fractionation (d13C only), and storing resulting data and statistics. Parameters ---------- blk_corr : boolean Boolean to determine if inputted isotope data have been blank corrected, defaults to `False`. d13C_raw : None or array-like Array of the raw d13C values (VPDB) of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. Defaults to `None`. d13C_raw_std : None or array-like The standard deviation of `d13C_raw` with length `nFrac`. Defaults to zeros or `None` if `d13C_raw` is `None`. Fm_raw : None or array-like Array of the raw Fm values of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. Defaults to `None`. Fm_raw_std : None or array-like The standard deviation of `Fm_raw` with length `nFrac`. Defaults to zeros or `None` if `Fm_raw` is `None`. kie_corr : boolean Boolean to determine if inputted d13C data have been fractionation corrected, defaults to `False`. m_raw : None or array-like Array of the raw masses (ugC) of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. Defaults to `None`. m_raw_std : None or array-like The standard deviation of `d13C_raw` with length `nFrac`. Defaults to zero or `None` if `m_raw` is `None`. mb_corr : boolean Boolean to determine if inputted d13C data have been mass-balance corrected, defaults to `False`. model : rp.Daem ``rp.Daem`` instance associated with the inputted energy complex, used for calculating the fractional E distributions and for KIE d13C correction. ratedata : rp.EnergyComplex ``rp.EnergyComplex`` instance containing p(0,E) distribution for the thermogram associated with inputted isotopes. Used for calculating the fractional E distributions and for KIE d13C correction. t_frac : None or array-like 2d array of the initial and final times of each fraction, in seconds. Shape [`nFrac` x 2]. Defaults to `None`. Warnings -------- UserWarning If using an an isothermal model type for an RPO run. UserWarning If using a non-energy complex ratedata type for an RPO run. Raises ------ ArrayError If `t_frac` is not array-like. ArrayError If `nE` is not the same in the ``rp.Model`` instance and the ``rp.RateData`` instance. Notes ----- When inputting `t_frac`, a time of 0 (i.e. `t0`, the initial time) is defined as the first timepoint in the ``RpoThermogram`` instance. If time passed between the thermogram `t0` and the beginning of fraction 1 trapping (as is almost always the case), `t_frac` must be adjusted accordingly. This is done automatically when importing from .csv (see ``RpoIsotopes.from_csv``) documenatation for info. See Also -------- Daem ``Model`` subclass used to generate the transform for RPO data and translate between time- and E-space. EnergyComplex ``RateData`` subclass for storing and analyzing RPO rate data. RpoThermogram ``TimeData`` subclass containing the time and fraction remaining data used for the inversion. Examples -------- Generating a bare-bones isotope result instance containing only arbitrary time and Fm data for a given energy complex instance, ec, and a given model instance, Daem:: #import modules import rampedpyrox as rp import numpy as np #generate arbitrary data for 3 fractions t_frac = [[100, 200], [200, 300], [300, 1000]] t_frac = np.array(t_frac) Fm_raw = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0] #create instance ri = rp.RpoIsotopes( daem, ec, t_frac, Fm_raw = Fm_raw) Generating a isotope result instance using an RPO output .csv file and the ``RpoIsotopes.from_csv`` class method:: #import modules import rampedpyrox as rp #create path to data file file = 'path_to_folder_containing_data/isotope_data.csv' #create instance ri = rp.RpoThermogram.from_csv( file, model, ratedata, blk_corr = True, mass_err = 0.01, DE = 0.0018) This will automatically correct inputted isotopes for the inputted instrument blank carbon contribution using the `blk_corr` flag and will assumed a 1 percent uncertainty in mass measurements. Additionally, this will fractionation-correct d13C data (if they exist) using a KIE DE of 1.8 J/mol. **NOTE:** See ``RpoIsotopes.from_csv`` documentation for instructions on getting the .csv file in the right format. Plotting resulting p(0,E) contained in each RPO fraction:: #import additional modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3) #plot p(0,E) distributions ax[0] = ri.plot( ax = ax[0], plt_var = 'p0E') Plotting resulting isotope vs. E scatter plots:: #plot d13C data ax[1] = ri.plot( ax = ax[1], plt_var = 'd13C', plt_corr = True) #plotting corrected values #plot Fm data ax[2] = ri.plot( ax = ax[2], plt_var = 'Fm', plt_corr = True) #plotting corrected values Printing a summary of the raw and corrected isotope values:: #raw fraction information print(ri.ri_raw_info) #corrected fraction information print(ri.ri_corr_info) **Attributes** d13C_corr : np.ndarray Array of the d13C values (VPDB) of each measured fraction, corrected for any of: blank, mass-balance, KIE. Length `nFrac`. d13C_corr_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of the d13C values (VPDB) of each measured fraction, corrected for any of: blank, mass-balance, KIE. Length `nFrac`. d13C_raw : np.ndarray Array of the raw d13C values (VPDB) of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. d13C_raw_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of `d13C_raw` with length `nFrac`. E_frac : np.ndarray Array of the mean E value (kJ) contained in each measured fraction as calculated by the inverse model, length `nFrac`. E_frac_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of E (kJ) contained in each measured fraction as calculated by the inverse model, length `nFrac`. Fm_corr : np.ndarray Array of the blank-corrected Fm values of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. Fm_corr_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of `Fm_corr` with length `nFrac`. Fm_raw : np.ndarray Array of the raw Fm values of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. Fm_raw_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of `Fm_raw` with length `nFrac`. m_corr : np.ndarray Array of the blank-corrected masses (ugC) of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. m_corr_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of `m_corr` with length `nFrac`. m_raw : np.ndarray Array of the raw masses (ugC) of each measured fraction, length `nFrac`. m_raw_std : np.ndarray The standard deviation of `m_raw` with length `nFrac`. nFrac : int The number of measured fractions. ri_corr_info : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the inputted summary info, using corrected isotopes: time (init. and final), \n E (mean and std.), \n mass (mean and std.), \n d13C (mean and std.), \n Fm (mean and std.) \n ri_raw_info : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the inputted summary info, using raw isotopes: time (init. and final), \n E (mean and std.), \n mass (mean and std.), \n d13C (mean and std.), \n Fm (mean and std.) \n t_frac : np.ndarray 2d array of the initial and final times of each fraction, in seconds. Shape [`nFrac` x 2]. ''' def __init__( self, model, ratedata, t_frac, d13C_raw = None, d13C_raw_std = None, Fm_raw = None, Fm_raw_std = None, m_raw = None, m_raw_std = None, blk_corr = False, mb_corr = False, kie_corr = False): #assert all lenghts are the same and of the same length as t_frac, and # store as attributes if isinstance(t_frac, str): raise ArrayError( 't_frac cannot be a string') elif isinstance(t_frac, Sequence) or hasattr(t_frac, '__array__'): n = len(t_frac) self.t_frac = t_frac self.nFrac = n else: raise ArrayError( 't_frac must be array-like') #store existing data if m_raw is not None: self.m_raw = assert_len(m_raw, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if m_raw_std is not None: self.m_raw_std = assert_len(m_raw_std, n) else: self.m_raw_std = assert_len(0, n) if d13C_raw is not None: self.d13C_raw = assert_len(d13C_raw, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if d13C_raw_std is not None: self.d13C_raw_std = assert_len(d13C_raw_std, n) else: self.d13C_raw_std = assert_len(0, n) if Fm_raw is not None: self.Fm_raw = assert_len(Fm_raw, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if Fm_raw_std is not None: self.Fm_raw_std = assert_len(Fm_raw_std, n) else: self.Fm_raw_std = assert_len(0, n) #warn if model is not Daem mod_type = type(model).__name__ if mod_type not in ['Daem']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate E distributions using a model' ' instance of type %r. Consider using rp.Daem instance' ' instead' % mod_type, UserWarning) #warn if ratedata is not EnergyComplex rd_type = type(ratedata).__name__ if rd_type not in ['EnergyComplex']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate E distributions using a ratedata' ' instance of type %r. Consider using rp.EnergyComplex' ' instance instead' % rd_type, UserWarning) #raise exception if not the right shape if model.nE != ratedata.nE: raise ArrayError( 'Cannot combine model with nE = %r and RateData with' ' nE = %r. Check that RateData was not created using a' ' different model' % (model.nE, ratedata.nE)) #calculate E distributions for each fraction E_frac, E_frac_std, p_frac = _calc_E_frac(self, model, ratedata) #store results self.E_frac = E_frac self.E_frac_std = E_frac_std #store protected energetic attributes self._p_frac = p_frac self._p = ratedata.p self._E = ratedata.E #store raw info summary table self.ri_raw_info = _calc_ri_info(self, flag = 'raw') #store bookkeeping corrected flags self._blk_corr = blk_corr self._mb_corr = mb_corr self._kie_corr = kie_corr #define classmethod for creating instance and populating measured values # directly from a .csv file
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv( cls, file, model, ratedata, blk_corr = False, blk_d13C = (-29.0, 0.1), blk_flux = (0.375, 0.0583), blk_Fm = (0.555, 0.042), bulk_d13C_true = None, DE = 0.0018, mass_err = 0.01): ''' Class method to directly import RPO fraction data from a .csv file and create an ``RpoIsotopes`` class instance. Parameters ---------- blk_corr : Boolean Tells the method whether or not to blank-correct isotope data. If `True`, blank-corrects according to inputted blank composition values. If `bulk_d13C_true` is not `None`, further corrects d13C values to ensure isotope mass balance (see Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017** for details). blk_d13C : tuple Tuple of the blank d13C composition (VPDB), in the form (mean, stdev.) to be used of ``blk_corr = True``. Defaults to the NOSAMS RPO blank as calculated by Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. blk_flux : tuple Tuple of the blank flux (ng/s), in the form (mean, stdev.) to be used of ``blk_corr = True``. Defaults to the NOSAMS RPO blank as calculated by Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. blk_Fm : tuple Tuple of the blank Fm value, in the form (mean, stdev.) to be used of ``blk_corr = True``. Defaults to the NOSAMS RPO blank as calculated by Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. bulk_d13C_true : None or array True measured d13C value (VPDB) for bulk material as measured independently (e.g. on a EA-IRMS). If not `None`, this value is used to mass-balance-correct d13C values as described in Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. If not `none`, must be inputted in the form [mean, stdev.] DE : scalar Value for the difference in E between 12C- and 13C-containing atoms, in kJ. Defaults to 0.0018 (the best-fit value calculated in Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon, **2017**). file : str or pd.DataFrame File containing RPO isotope data, either as a string pointing to a .csv file or as a ``pd.DataFrame`` instance. mass_err : float Relative uncertainty in mass measurements, typically as a sum of manometric uncertainty in pressure measurements and uncertainty in vacuum line volumes. Defaults to 0.01 (i.e. 1\% relative uncertainty). model : rp.Model ``rp.Model`` instance containing the A matrix to use for inversion. ratedata : rp.RateData ``rp.Ratedata`` instance containing the reactive continuum data. Notes ----- For bookkeeping purposes, the first 2 rows must be fractions "-1" and "0", where the timestamp for fraction "-1" is the first point in the `all_data` file used to create the ``rp.RpoThermogram`` instance, and the timestamp for fraction "0" is the t0 for the first fraction. If mass, d13C, and Fm data exist, column names must be the following: 'ug_frac' and 'ug_frac_std' \n 'd13C' and 'd13C_std' \n 'Fm' and 'Fm_std' See Also -------- RpoThermogram.from_csv Classmethod for creating ``rp.RpoThermogram`` instance directly from a .csv file. References ---------- [1] J.D. Hemingway et al. (2017) Assessing the blank carbon contribution, isotope mass balance, and kinetic isotope fractionation of the ramped pyrolysis/oxidation instrument at NOSAMS. *Radiocarbon*, **59**, 179-193. ''' #extract data from file d13C, d13C_std, Fm, Fm_std, m, m_std, t_frac = _rpo_extract_iso( file, mass_err) #create RpoIsotopes instance and store raw data ri = cls( model, ratedata, t_frac, d13C_raw = d13C, d13C_raw_std = d13C_std, Fm_raw = Fm, Fm_raw_std = Fm_std, m_raw = m, m_raw_std = m_std, blk_corr = False, mb_corr = False, kie_corr = False) #blank correct m, d13C, Fm if necessary if blk_corr is True: #call blank- and mass-balance correction method ri.blank_correct( blk_d13C = blk_d13C, blk_flux = blk_flux, blk_Fm = blk_Fm, bulk_d13C_true = bulk_d13C_true) #kinetic fractionation correct if necessary if DE is not None: #call kie correction method ri.kie_correct( model, ratedata, DE = DE) return ri
[docs] def blank_correct( self, blk_d13C = (-29.0, 0.1), blk_flux = (0.375, 0.0583), blk_Fm = (0.555, 0.042), bulk_d13C_true = None): ''' Method to blank- and mass-balance correct raw isotope values. Parameters ---------- blk_d13C : tuple Tuple of the blank d13C composition (VPDB), in the form (mean, stdev.) to be used of ``blk_corr = True``. Defaults to the NOSAMS RPO blank as calculated by Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. blk_flux : tuple Tuple of the blank flux (ng/s), in the form (mean, stdev.) to be used of ``blk_corr = True``. Defaults to the NOSAMS RPO blank as calculated by Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. blk_Fm : tuple Tuple of the blank Fm value, in the form (mean, stdev.) to be used of ``blk_corr = True``. Defaults to the NOSAMS RPO blank as calculated by Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. bulk_d13C_true : None or array True measured d13C value (VPDB) for bulk material as measured independently (e.g. on a EA-IRMS). If not `None`, this value is used to mass-balance-correct d13C values as described in Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon **2017**. If not `none`, must be inputted in the form [mean, stdev.] Warnings -------- UserWarning If already corrected for blank contribution UserWarning If already corrected for 13C mass balance References ---------- [1] J.D. Hemingway et al. (2017) Assessing the blank carbon contribution, isotope mass balance, and kinetic isotope fractionation of the ramped pyrolysis/oxidation instrument at NOSAMS. *Radiocarbon*, **59**, 179-193. ''' #raise warnings if self._blk_corr == True: warnings.warn( 'd13C, Fm, and/or m has already been blank-corrected!' ' Proceeding anyway', UserWarning) if self._mb_corr == True: warnings.warn( 'd13C has already been mass-balance corrected!' ' Proceeding anyway', UserWarning) #define constants n = self.nFrac #extract d13C from self to be corrected if hasattr(self, 'd13C_corr'): d13C = self.d13C_corr d13C_std = self.d13C_corr_std else: d13C = self.d13C_raw d13C_std = self.d13C_raw_std #extract Fm from self to be corrected if hasattr(self, 'Fm_corr'): Fm = self.Fm_corr Fm_std = self.Fm_corr_std else: Fm = self.Fm_raw Fm_std = self.Fm_raw_std #extract m from self to be corrected if hasattr(self, 'm_corr'): m = self.m_corr m_std = self.m_corr_std else: m = self.m_raw m_std = self.m_raw_std #blank-correct values d13C, d13C_std, Fm, Fm_std, m, m_std = _rpo_blk_corr( d13C, d13C_std, Fm, Fm_std, m, m_std, self.t_frac, blk_d13C = blk_d13C, blk_flux = blk_flux, blk_Fm = blk_Fm) #set bookkeeping flag self._blk_corr = True #mass-balance correct d13C if necessary if bulk_d13C_true is not None: d13C, d13C_std = _rpo_mass_bal_corr( d13C, d13C_std, m, m_std, bulk_d13C_true) #set bookkeeping flag self._mb_corr = True #store corrected values if they exist if m is not None: self.m_corr = assert_len(m, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if m_std is not None: self.m_corr_std = assert_len(m_std, n) else: self.m_corr_std = assert_len(0, n) if d13C is not None: self.d13C_corr = assert_len(d13C, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if d13C_std is not None: self.d13C_corr_std = assert_len(d13C_std, n) else: self.d13C_corr_std = assert_len(0, n) if Fm is not None: self.Fm_corr = assert_len(Fm, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if Fm_std is not None: self.Fm_corr_std = assert_len(Fm_std, n) else: self.Fm_corr_std = assert_len(0, n) #generate summary table self.ri_corr_info = _calc_ri_info(self, flag = 'corr')
[docs] def kie_correct( self, model, ratedata, DE = 0.0018): ''' Method for further correcting d13C values to account for kinetic isotope fractionation occurring within the instrument. Parameters ---------- model : rp.Model ``rp.Model`` instance containing the A matrix to use for inversion. ratedata : rp.RateData ``rp.Ratedata`` instance containing the reactive continuum data. DE : scalar Value for the difference in E between 12C- and 13C-containing atoms, in kJ. Defaults to 0.0018 (the best-fit value calculated in Hemingway et al., Radiocarbon, **2017**). Warnings -------- UserWarning If already corrected for kinetic fractionation References ---------- [1] J.D. Hemingway et al. (2017) Assessing the blank carbon contribution, isotope mass balance, and kinetic isotope fractionation of the ramped pyrolysis/oxidation instrument at NOSAMS. *Radiocarbon*, **59**, 179-193. ''' #raise warnings if self._kie_corr == True: warnings.warn( 'd13C has already been corrected for kinetic fractionation!' ' Proceeding anyway', UserWarning) #set constants n = self.nFrac #extract d13C from self to be corrected if hasattr(self, 'd13C_corr'): d13C = self.d13C_corr d13C_std = self.d13C_corr_std elif hasattr(self, 'd13C_raw'): d13C = self.d13C_raw d13C_std = self.d13C_raw_std else: return #kie-correct values d13C, d13C_std = _rpo_kie_corr( self, d13C, d13C_std, model, ratedata, DE = DE) #set bookkeeping flag self._kie_corr = True #store results self.d13C_corr = assert_len(d13C, n) #store stdev if it exists, zeros if not if d13C_std is not None: self.d13C_corr_std = assert_len(d13C_std, n) else: self.d13C_corr_std = assert_len(0, n) #store summary self.ri_corr_info = _calc_ri_info(self, flag = 'corr')
#define plotting method
[docs] def plot(self, ax = None, plt_var = 'p0E', plt_corr = True): ''' Method for plotting results, either p(0,E) distributions contained within each RPO fraction or isotopes vs. mean E for each RPO fraction. Parameters ---------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None`, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. plt_var : str Tells the method which variable to plot, available options are: 'p0E' (for fraction-specific p(0,E) distributions), 'Fm', and d13C (isotope vs. fraction E scatter plots). plt_corr : str If `plt_var` is 'Fm' or 'd13C', `plt_corr` tells the method whether to plot raw or corrected values (if corrected values exist). Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. Raises ------ ArrayError if `plt_corr` is `True` but no corrected data exist. StringError If `plt_var` is not 'p0E', 'Fm', or 'd13C'. ''' #check that plt_var is an appropriate string if plt_var not in ['p0E','Fm','d13C']: raise StringError( 'plt_var does not accept %r. Must be "p0E", "Fm", or "d13C"' %plt_var) #check that corrected data exist if called if plt_var in ['Fm','d13C']: att = plt_var + '_corr' if plt_corr is True and not hasattr(self, att): raise ArrayError( 'plt_corr is set to True but corrected values do not exist!') #extract axis label ditionary rpo_labs = _plot_dicts_iso('rpo_iso_labs', self) labs = ( rpo_labs['E'][plt_var][0], rpo_labs['E'][plt_var][1]) #determine attributes being plotted and generate dict if plt_var in ['Fm','d13C']: if plt_corr: att = plt_var + '_corr' #extract the right dict iso_rd = _plot_dicts_iso('iso_corr', self) rd = ( iso_rd['E'][att][0], iso_rd['E'][att][1], iso_rd['E'][att][2], iso_rd['E'][att][3]) else: att = plt_var + '_raw' #extract the right dict iso_rd = _plot_dicts_iso('iso_raw', self) rd = ( iso_rd['E'][att][0], iso_rd['E'][att][1], iso_rd['E'][att][2], iso_rd['E'][att][3]) #no modeled data exist md = None else: #generate rd and md for p(0,E) plots rd = (self._E, self._p) md = (self._E, self._p_frac) #call superclass method ax = super(RpoIsotopes, self).plot( ax = ax, labs = labs, md = md, rd = rd) return ax
if __name__ == '__main__': import rampedpyrox as rp