Source code for rampedpyrox.ratedata

This module contains the RateData superclass and all corresponding subclasses.

from __future__ import(

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['EnergyComplex']

#import modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings

from numpy.linalg import norm

#import exceptions
from .exceptions import(

#import helper functions
from .core_functions import(

from .plotting_helper import(

from .summary_helper import(

from .model_helper import(

class RateData(object):
	Class to store rate-dependent data. Intended for subclassing, do not call

	def __init__(self):
		Initialize the superclass

		k : array-like
			Array of k/E values considered in the model. Length `nk`.

		p : array-like
			Array of a pdf of the distribution of k/E values. Length `nk`.
		raise NotImplementedError

	#define classmethod to generate instance by inverse modeling timedata with
	# a given model
	def inverse_model(
			lam = 'auto'):
		Inverse models an ``rp.TimeData`` instance using a given ``rp.Model``
		instance and creates an ``rp.RateData`` instance.

		model : rp.Model
			``rp.Model`` instance containing the A matrix to use for inversion.

		timedata : rp.TimeData
			``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the timeseries data to invert.

			If `lam` is not scalar or 'auto'.

			If ``scipy.optimize.least_squares`` cannot converge on a 

		See Also
			``rp.TimeData`` method for forward-modeling an ``rp.RateData`` instance
			using a particular model.

		#extract model rate/E and store as k variable (necessary since models
		# have different nomenclature)
		if hasattr(model, 'k'):
			k = model.k
		elif hasattr(model, 'E'):
			k = model.E

		#calculate best-fit lambda value if necessary
		if lam in ['auto', 'Auto']:
			lam = model.calc_L_curve(timedata, plot = False)
		elif isinstance(lam, (int, float)):
			lam = float(lam)
			raise ScalarError(
				'lam must be int, float, or "auto"')

		#generate regularized pdf, p
		p, resid, rgh = _calc_p(model, timedata, lam)

		#create class instance
		rd = cls(k, p = p)

		#input estimated data
			lam = lam,
			resid = resid,
			rgh = rgh)

		return rd

	#define a method to input estimated rate data
	def input_estimated(
			lam = None, 
			resid = None, 
			rgh = None):
		Inputs estimated data into an ``rp.RateData`` instance.

		lam : scalar
			Best-fit smoothing weighting factor for Tikhonov regularization.
			Calculated using L-curve approach.

		resid : float
			Residual RMSE from inverse model.

		rgh : float
			Roughness from inverse model.

			If lam is not scalar or `None`.

		#extract n rate/E (necessary since models have different nomenclature)
		if hasattr(self, 'nk'):
			nk = self.nk
			k = self.k
		elif hasattr(self, 'nE'):
			nk = self.nE
			k = self.E

		#store attributes
		self.resid = resid
		self.rgh = rgh

		#input lam if it exists for bookkeeping
		if lam is not None:
			if not isinstance(lam, (int, float)):
				raise ScalarError(
					'lam must be None, int, or float')
				self.lam = lam

	#define plotting method
	def plot(self, ax = None, labs = None, rd = None):
		Method for plotting ``rp.RateData`` instance data.

		axis : matplotlib.axis or None
			Axis handle to plot on. Defaults to `None`.

		labs : tuple
			Tuple of axis labels, in the form (x_label, y_label).
			Defaults to `None`.

		rd : tuple
			Tuple of real data, in the form (x_data, y_data).

		ax : matplotlib.axis
			Updated axis handle containing data.

		#create axis if necessary and label
		if ax is None:
			_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

		#label axes
		if labs is not None:

		#add real data if it exists
		if rd is not None:
			#plot real data
				linewidth = 2,
				color = 'k',
				label = r'Regularized p(0,E) ($\lambda$ = %.2f)' %self.lam)

			#set limits
			# ax.set_xlim([0, 1.1*np.max(rd[0])])
			# ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1*np.max(rd[1])])

		#remove duplicate legend entries
		han_list, lab_list = _rem_dup_leg(ax)
			loc = 'best',
			frameon = False)

		#make tight layout

		return ax

[docs]class EnergyComplex(RateData): __doc__=''' Class for inputting and storing Ramped PryOx activation energy distributions. Parameters ---------- E : array-like Array of activation energy, in kJ/mol. Length `nE`. p : None or array-like Array of the regularized pdf of the E distribution, p(0,E). Length `nE`. Defaults to `None`. Raises ------ ArrayError If the any value in `E` is negative. See Also -------- Daem ``rp.Model`` subclass used to generate the Laplace transform for RPO data and translate between time- and E-space. RpoThermogram ``rp.TimeData`` subclass containing the time and fraction remaining data used for the inversion. Examples -------- Generating a bare-bones energy complex containing only `E` and `p`:: #import modules import rampedpyrox as rp import numpy as np #generate arbitrary Gaussian data E = np.arange(50, 350) def Gaussian(x, mu, sig): scalar = (1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sig**2))* y = scalar*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sig**2)) return y p = Gaussian(E, 150, 10) #create the instance ec = rp.EnergyComplex(E, p = p) Or, insteand run the inversion to generate an energy complex using an ``rp.RpoThermogram`` instance, tg, and an ``rp.Daem`` instance, daem:: #keeping defaults, not combining any peaks ec = rp.EnergyComplex( daem, tg, lam = 'auto') Plotting the resulting regularized energy complex:: #import additional modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) #plot resulting E pdf, p(0,E) ax = ec.plot(ax = ax) **Attributes** E : np.ndarray Array of activation energy, in kJ/mol. Length `nE`. nE : int Number of E points. ec_info : pd.Series Series containing the observed EnergyComplex summary info: E_max (kJ/mol), \n E_mean (kJ/mol), \n E_std (kJ/mol), \n p0E_max lam : float Tikhonov regularization weighting factor. p : np.ndarray Array of the pdf of the E distribution, p0E. Length `nE`. resid : float The RMSE between the measured thermogram data and the estimated thermogram using the p (ghat). Used for determining the best-fit lambda value. rgh : The roughness RMSE. Used for determining best-fit lambda value. References ---------- [1] B. Cramer (2004) Methane generation from coal during open system pyrolysis investigated by isotope specific, Gaussian distributed reaction kinetics. *Organic Geochemistry*, **35**, 379-392. [2] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Common structure in the heterogeneity of plant-matter decay. *Journal of the Royal Society* *Interface*, rsif.2012.0122. [3] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Inverse method for calculating respiration rates from decay time series. *Biogeosciences*, **9**, 3601-3612. ''' def __init__(self, E, p = None): #store activation energy attributes nE = len(E) #ensure types E = assert_len(E, nE) #ensure that E is non-negative if np.min(E) < 0: raise ArrayError( 'Minimum value for E is: %r. Elements in E must be' ' non-negative.' % np.min(E)) self.E = E self.nE = nE #check if p exists and store p, statistics if p is not None: self.p = assert_len(p, nE) self.ec_info = _calc_rate_info(E, p, kstr = 'E') #define classmethod to generate instance by inverse modeling timedata with # a model
[docs] @classmethod def inverse_model( cls, model, timedata, lam = 'auto'): ''' Generates an energy complex by inverting an ``rp.TimeData`` instance using a given ``rp.Model`` instance. Parameters ---------- model : rp.Model ``rp.Model`` instance containing the A matrix to use for inversion. timedata : rp.TimeData ``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the timeseries data to invert. lam : scalar or 'auto' Smoothing weighting factor for Tikhonov regularization. Defaults to 'auto'. Warnings -------- UserWarning If ``scipy.optimize.least_squares`` cannot converge on a solution. UserWarning If attempting to use timedata that is not a ``rp.RpoThermogram`` instance. UserWarning If attempting to use a model that is not a ``rp.Daem`` instance. See Also -------- RpoThermogram.forward_model ``rp.TimeData`` method for forward-modeling an ``rp.RateData`` instance using a particular model. ''' #warn if model is not Daem mod_type = type(model).__name__ if mod_type not in ['Daem']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate isotopes using a model instance of' ' type %r. Consider using rp.Daem instance instead' % mod_type, UserWarning) #warn if timedata is not RpoThermogram td_type = type(timedata).__name__ if td_type not in ['RpoThermogram']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate isotopes using an isothermal timedata' ' instance of type %r. Consider using rp.RpoThermogram' ' instance instead' % td_type, UserWarning) ec = super(EnergyComplex, cls).inverse_model( model, timedata, lam = lam) return ec
#define a method to input estimated rate data
[docs] def input_estimated( self, lam = 0, resid = 0, rgh = 0): ''' Inputs estimated rate data into the ``rp.EnergyComplex`` instance and calculates statistics. Parameters ---------- lam : scalar Tikhonov regularization weighting factor used to generate estimated data. Defaults to 0. resid : float Residual RMSE for the inputted estimated data. Defaults to 0. rgh : float Roughness RMSE for the inputted estimated data. Defaults to 0. ''' super(EnergyComplex, self).input_estimated( lam = lam, resid = resid, rgh = rgh)
#define plotting method
[docs] def plot(self, ax = None): ''' Plots the pdf of E, p(0,E), against E. Keyword Arguments ----------------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None`, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. ''' #create axis label tuple labs = (r'E (kJ/mol)', r'$p(0, E)$') #check if data exist if hasattr(self, 'p'): #extract data rd = (self.E, self.p) else: rd = None ax = super(EnergyComplex, self).plot( ax = ax, labs = labs, rd = rd) return ax
class kDistribution(RateData): __doc__=''' ADD DOCSTRING! ''' def __init__(self, k, p = None): #store activation energy attributes nk = len(k) #ensure types k = assert_len(k, nk) #store self.k = k self.nk = nk #check if p exists and store p, statistics if p is not None: self.p = assert_len(p, nk) self.kd_info = _calc_rate_info(k, p, kstr = 'k') #define classmethod to generate instance by inverse modeling timedata with # a model @classmethod def inverse_model( cls, model, timedata, lam = 'auto'): ''' Generates an energy complex by inverting an ``rp.TimeData`` instance using a given ``rp.Model`` instance. Parameters ---------- model : rp.Model ``rp.Model`` instance containing the A matrix to use for inversion. timedata : rp.TimeData ``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the timeseries data to invert. lam : scalar or 'auto' Smoothing weighting factor for Tikhonov regularization. Defaults to 'auto'. Warnings -------- UserWarning If ``scipy.optimize.least_squares`` cannot converge on a solution. UserWarning If attempting to use timedata that is not a ``rp.BioDecay`` instance. UserWarning If attempting to use a model that is not a ``rp.LaplaceTransform`` instance. See Also -------- BioDecay.forward_model ``rp.TimeData`` method for forward-modeling an ``rp.RateData`` instance using a particular model. ''' #warn if model is not LaplaceTransform mod_type = type(model).__name__ if mod_type not in ['LaplaceTransform']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate p distribution using a model instance' ' of type %r. Consider using rp.LaplaceTransform instance' ' instead' % mod_type, UserWarning) #warn if timedata is not RpoThermogram td_type = type(timedata).__name__ if td_type not in ['BioDecay']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate p distribution using a non-isothermal' ' timedata instance of type %r. Consider using rp.BioDecay' ' instance instead' % td_type, UserWarning) ec = super(kDistribution, cls).inverse_model( model, timedata, lam = lam) return ec #define a method to input estimated rate data def input_estimated( self, lam = 0, resid = 0, rgh = 0): ''' Inputs estimated rate data into the ``rp.kDistribution`` instance and calculates statistics. Parameters ---------- lam : scalar Tikhonov regularization weighting factor used to generate estimated data. Defaults to 0. resid : float Residual RMSE for the inputted estimated data. Defaults to 0. rgh : float Roughness RMSE for the inputted estimated data. Defaults to 0. ''' super(kDistribution, self).input_estimated( lam = lam, resid = resid, rgh = rgh) #define plotting method def plot(self, ax = None): ''' Plots the pdf of k, p(0,k), against k. Keyword Arguments ----------------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None`, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. ''' #create axis label tuple labs = (r'k $(s^{-1})$', r'$p(0, k)$') #check if data exist if hasattr(self, 'p'): #extract data rd = (self.k, self.p) else: rd = None ax = super(kDistribution, self).plot( ax = ax, labs = labs, rd = rd) return ax if __name__ == '__main__': import rampedpyrox as rp