Source code for rampedpyrox.model

This module contains the Model superclass and all corresponding subclasses.

from __future__ import(

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['Daem']

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings

#import exceptions
from .exceptions import(

#import helper functions
from .core_functions import(

from .model_helper import(

class Model(object):
	Class to store model setup. Intended for subclassing, do not call

	def __init__(self, A, t, T):
		Initialize the superclass.

		A : 2d array-like
			Array of the transform matrix to convert from time to rate space.
			Rows are timepoints and columns are k/E values. Shape 
			[`nt` x `nk`].

		t : array-like
			Array of time, in seconds. Length `nt`.

		T : scalar or array-like
			Scalar or array of temperature, in Kelvin. If array, length `nt`.

		#ensure data is in the right form
		nt = len(t)
		t = assert_len(t, nt)
		T = assert_len(T, nt)
		A = assert_len(A, nt)

		#store attributes
		self.A = A
		self.nt = nt
		self.t = t
		self.T = T

	#define a class method for creating instance directly from timedata
	def from_timedata(self):
		raise NotImplementedError

	#define a class method for creating instance directly from ratedata
	def from_ratedata(self):
		raise NotImplementedError

	#define a method for calculating the L curve
	def calc_L_curve(
			ax = None, 
			nLam = 150, 
			lam_max = 1e2, 
			lam_min = 1e-3, 
			plot = False):
		Function to calculate the L-curve for a given model and timedata
		instance in order to choose the best-fit smoothing parameter, lambda.

		timedata : rp.TimeData
			``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the time and fraction
			remaining arrays to use in L curve calculation.

		ax : None or matplotlib.axis
			Axis to plot on. If `None` and ``plot = True``, automatically 
			creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to 

		nLam : int
			Number of lambda values to consider. Defaults to 150.

		lam_max : float or int
			Maximum lambda value to search. Defaults to 1e2.

		lam_min : float or int
			Minimum lambda value to search. Defaults to 1e-3.

		plot : Boolean
			Tells the method to plot the resulting L curve or not. Defaults to

		lam_best : float
			The calculated best-fit lambda value.

		axis : None or matplotlib.axis
			If ``plot = True``, returns an updated axis handle with plot.

			If `lam_max` or `lam_min` are not scalar.

			If `nLam` is not int.

		See Also
			Package-level method for ``calc_L_curve``.

		[1] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Inverse method for calculating
			respiration rates from decay time series. *Biogeosciences*, **9**,

		[2] P.C. Hansen (1994) Regularization tools: A Matlab package for 
			analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems. *Numerical*
			*Algorithms*, **6**, 1-35.

		#check that nLam, lam_max, and lam_min are in the right form
		if not isinstance(lam_max, (int, float)):
			raise ScalarError(
				'lam_max must be float or int')

		elif not isinstance(lam_min, (int, float)):
			raise ScalarError(
				'lam_min must be float or int')

		elif not isinstance(nLam, int):
			raise ScalarError(
				'nLam must be int')

		#define arrays
		log_lam_vec = np.linspace(np.log10(lam_min), np.log10(lam_max), nLam)
		lam_vec = 10**log_lam_vec

		res_vec = np.zeros(nLam)
		rgh_vec = np.zeros(nLam)

		#for each lambda value in the vector, calculate the errors
		for i, w in enumerate(lam_vec):
			_, res, rgh = _calc_p(self, timedata, w)
			res_vec[i] = res
			rgh_vec[i] = rgh

		#convert to log space
		res_vec = np.log10(res_vec)
		rgh_vec = np.log10(rgh_vec)

		#remove noise after 6 sig figs
		res_vec = np.around(res_vec, decimals = 6)
		rgh_vec = np.around(rgh_vec, decimals = 6)

		#calculate derivatives and curvature
		dydx = derivatize(rgh_vec, res_vec)
		dy2d2x = derivatize(dydx, res_vec)

		#function for curvature
		k = dy2d2x/(1+dydx**2)**1.5

		#find first occurrance of argmax k, ignoring first and last points
		i = np.argmax(k[1:-1])
		i += 1 #account for the fact that we dropped the first point
		lam_best = lam_vec[i]

		#plot if necessary
		if plot:

			#create axis if necessary
			if ax is None:
				_,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

			#plot results

				label=r'best-fit $\lambda$')

			#set axis labels and text

			xlab = r'residual error, $\log_{10} \left( \frac{\|\|' \
				r'\mathbf{A}\cdot \mathbf{p} - \mathbf{g} \|\|}{\sqrt{n_{j}}}' \
			ylab = r'roughness, $\log_{10} \left( \frac{\|\| \mathbf{R}' \
				r'\cdot\mathbf{p} \|\|}{\sqrt{n_{l}}} \right)$'


			label1 = r'best-fit $\lambda$ = %.3f' %(lam_best)
			label2 = (
				r'$log_{10}$ (resid. err.) = %.3f' %(res_vec[i]))
			label3 = (
				r'$log_{10}$ (roughness)  = %0.3f' %(rgh_vec[i]))

				label1 + '\n' + label2 + '\n' + label3,

			#make tight layout

			return lam_best, ax

			return lam_best

[docs]class Daem(Model): __doc__=''' Class to calculate the `DAEM` model transform. Used for ramped-temperature kinetic problems such as Ramped PyrOx, pyGC, TGA, etc. Parameters ---------- E : array-like Array of E values, in kJ/mol. Length `nE`. log10omega : scalar, array-like, or lambda function Arrhenius pre-exponential factor, either a constant value, array-like with length `nE`, or a lambda function of E (in kJ). t : array-like Array of time, in seconds. Length `nt`. T : array-like Array of temperature, in Kelvin. Length `nt`. Warnings -------- UserWarning If attempting to use isothermal data to create a ``Daem`` model instance. See Also -------- RpoThermogram ``rp.TimeData`` subclass for storing and analyzing RPO time/temperature data. EnergyComplex ``rp.RateData`` subclass for storing and analyzing RPO rate data. Examples -------- Creating a DAEM using manually-inputted `E`, `omega`, `t`, and `T`:: #import modules import numpy as np import rampedpyrox as rp #generate arbitrary data t = np.arange(1,100) #100 second experiment beta = 0.5 #K/second T = beta*t + 273.15 #K E = np.arange(50, 350) #kJ/mol log10omega = 10 #s-1 #create instance daem = rp.Daem(E, log10omega, t, T) Creating a DAEM from real thermogram data using the ``rp.Daem.from_timedata`` class method:: #import modules import rampedpyrox as rp #create thermogram instance tg = rp.RpoThermogram.from_csv('some_data_file.csv') #create Daem instance daem = rp.Daem.from_timedata( tg, E_max = 350, E_min = 50, nE = 250, log10omega = 10) Creating a DAEM from an energy complex using the ``rp.Daem.from_ratedata`` class method:: #import modules import rampedpyrox as rp #create energycomplex instance ec = rp.EnergyComplex(E, p0E) #create Daem instance daem = rp.Daem.from_ratedata( ec, beta = 0.08, log10omega = 10, nt = 250, t0 = 0, T0 = 373, tf = 1e4) Plotting the L-curve of a Daem to find the best-fit lambda value:: #import modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) #plot L curve lam_best, ax = daem.calc_L_curve( tg, ax = None, plot = True, lam_min = 1e-3, lam_max = 1e2, nLam = 150) **Attributes** A : np.ndarray E : np.ndarray Array of E values, in kJ/mol. Length `nE`. nE : int Number of activation energy points. nt : int Number of timepoints. t : np.ndarray Array of timepoints, in seconds. Length `nt`. T : np.ndarray Array of temperature, in Kelvin. Length `nt`. References ---------- [1] R.L Braun and A.K. Burnham (1987) Analysis of chemical reaction kinetics using a distribution of activation energies and simpler models. *Energy & Fuels*, **1**, 153-161. [2] B. Cramer (2004) Methane generation from coal during open system pyrolysis investigated by isotope specific, Gaussian distributed reaction kinetics. *Organic Geochemistry*, **35**, 279-392. [3] V. Dieckmann (2005) Modeling petroleum formation from heterogeneous source rocks: The influence of frequency factors on activation energy distribution and geological prediction. *Marine and Petroleum* *Geology*, **22**, 375-390. [4] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Common structure in the heterogeneity of plant-matter decay. *Journal of the Royal Society* *Interface*, rsif.2012.0122. [5] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Inverse method for calculating respiration rates from decay time series. *Biogeosciences*, **9**, 3601-3612. [6] P.C. Hansen (1994) Regularization tools: A Matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems. *Numerical Algorithms*, **6**, 1-35. [7] C.C. Lakshmananan et al. (1991) Implications of multiplicity in kinetic parameters to petroleum exploration: Distributed activation energy models. *Energy & Fuels*, **5**, 110-117. [8] J.E. White et al. (2011) Biomass pyrolysis kinetics: A comparative critical review with relevant agricultural residue case studies. *Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis*, **91**, 1-33. ''' def __init__(self, E, log10omega, t, T): #warn if T is scalar if isinstance(T, (int, float)): warnings.warn( 'Attempting to use isothermal data for RPO run! T is a scalar' ' value of: %r. Consider using an isothermal model type' ' instead.' % T, UserWarning) elif len(set(T)) == 1: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to use isothermal data for RPO run! T is a scalar' ' value of: %r. Consider using an isothermal model type' ' instead.' % T[0], UserWarning) #get log10omega into the right format if hasattr(log10omega,'__call__'): log10omega = log10omega(E) #calculate A matrix A = _rpo_calc_A(E, log10omega, t, T) super(Daem, self).__init__(A, t, T) #store Daem-specific attributes nE = len(E) self.log10omega = assert_len(log10omega, nE) self.E = assert_len(E, nE) self.nE = nE
[docs] @classmethod def from_timedata( cls, timedata, E_max = 350, E_min = 50, log10omega = 10, nE = 250): ''' Class method to directly generate an ``rp.Daem`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.TimeData`` instance. Parameters ---------- timedata : rp.TimeData ``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the time array to use for creating the DAEM. E_max : int The maximum activation energy value to consider, in kJ/mol. Defaults to 350. E_min : int The minimum activation energy value to consider, in kJ/mol. Defaults to 50. log10omega : scalar, array-like, or lambda function Arrhenius pre-exponential factor, either a constant value, array- likewith length `nE`, or a lambda function of E. Defaults to 10. nE : int The number of activation energy points. Defaults to 250. Warnings -------- UserWarning If attempting to create a DAEM with an isothermal timedata instance. See Also -------- from_ratedata Class method to directly generate an ``rp.Daem`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.RateData`` instance. ''' #warn if timedata is not RpoThermogram td_type = type(timedata).__name__ if td_type not in ['RpoThermogram']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate p distribution using an isothermal' ' timedata instance of type %r. Consider using rp.RpoThermogram' ' instance instead' % td_type, UserWarning) #generate E, t, and T array E = np.linspace(E_min, E_max, nE) t = timedata.t T = timedata.T return cls(E, log10omega, t, T)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ratedata( cls, ratedata, beta = 0.08, log10omega = 10, nt = 250, t0 = 0, T0 = 373, tf = 1e4): ''' Class method to directly generate an ``rp.Daem`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.RateData`` instance. Parameters ---------- ratedata : rp.RateData ``rp.RateData`` instance containing the E array to use for creating the DAEM. beta : int or float Temperature ramp rate to use in model, in Kelvin/second. Defaults to 0.08 (*i.e.* 5K/min) log10omega : scalar, array-like, or lambda function Arrhenius pre-exponential factor, either a constant value, array- likewith length `nE`, or a lambda function of E. Defaults to 10. nt : int The number of time points to use. Defaults to 250. t0 : int or float The initial time to be used in the model, in seconds. Defaults to 0. T0 : int or float The initial temperature to be used in the model, in Kelvin. Defaults to 373. tf : int or float The final time to be used in the model, in seconds. Defaults to 10,000. Warnings -------- UserWarning If attempting to create a DAEM with a non-EnergyComplex ratedata instance. See Also -------- from_timedata Class method to directly generate an ``rp.Daem`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.TimeData`` instance. ''' #warn if ratedata is not EnergyComplex rd_type = type(ratedata).__name__ if rd_type not in ['EnergyComplex']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate isotopes using a ratedata instance of' ' type %r. Consider using rp.EnergyComplex instance instead' % rd_type, UserWarning) #generate E, t, and T array E = ratedata.E t = np.linspace(t0, tf, nt) T = T0 + beta*t return cls(E, log10omega, t, T)
class LaplaceTransform(Model): __doc__=''' ADD DOCSTRING! ''' def __init__(self, k, t, T, logged = False): #calculate A matrix A = _bd_calc_A(k, t, logged = logged) super(LaplaceTransform, self).__init__(A, t, T) #store LaplaceTransform-specific attributes nk = len(k) self.k = assert_len(k, nk) self.nk = nk self.logged = logged @classmethod def from_timedata( cls, timedata, k_max = 1, k_min = 1e-6, nk = 250, logged = False): ''' Class method to directly generate an ``rp.LaplaceTransform`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.TimeData`` instance. Parameters ---------- timedata : rp.TimeData ``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the time array to use for creating the LaplaceTransform model. k_max : int The maximum first-order rate constant value to consider, in s-1 if not `logged` is `False` or in ln(s-1) if `logged` is `True`. Defaults to 1. k_min : int The minimum first-order rate constant value to consider, in s-1 if not `logged` is `False` or in ln(s-1) if `logged` is `True`. Defaults to 1e-6. nk : int The number of rate constant points. Defaults to 250. logged : boolean If `True`, treats inputted `k` array as the natural log of k (i.e. lambda in Forney and Rothman, 2012 notation). If `False`, treats `k` as a linear array. Defaults to `False`. Warnings -------- UserWarning If attempting to create a LaplaceTransform with a non-isothermal timedata instance. See Also -------- from_ratedata Class method to directly generate an ``rp.LaplaceTransform`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.RateData`` instance. ''' #warn if timedata is not RpoThermogram td_type = type(timedata).__name__ if td_type not in ['BioDecay']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate p distribution using a non-isothermal' ' timedata instance of type %r. Consider using rp.BioDecay' ' instance instead' % td_type, UserWarning) #generate k, t, and T array k = np.linspace(k_min, k_max, nk) t = timedata.t T = timedata.T return cls(k, t, T, logged = logged) @classmethod def from_ratedata( cls, ratedata, nt = 250, t0 = 0, tf = 1e5, T = 298): ''' Class method to directly generate an ``rp.LaplaceTransform`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.RateData`` instance. Parameters ---------- ratedata : rp.RateData ``rp.RateData`` instance containing the k array to use for creating the LaplaceTransform. nt : int The number of time points to use. Defaults to 250. t0 : int or float The initial time to be used in the model, in seconds. Defaults to 0. tf : int or float The final time to be used in the model, in seconds. Defaults to 100,000. T : int or float The temperature of the experiment, in Kelvin. Defaults to 298. Warnings -------- UserWarning If attempting to create a LaplaceTransform with a non-kDistribution ratedata instance. See Also -------- from_timedata Class method to directly generate an ``rp.LaplaceTransform`` instance using data stored in an ``rp.TimeData`` instance. ''' #warn if ratedata is not EnergyComplex rd_type = type(ratedata).__name__ if rd_type not in ['kDistribution']: warnings.warn( 'Attempting to calculate isotopes using a ratedata instance of' ' type %r. Consider using rp.kDistribution instance instead' % rd_type, UserWarning) #generate k, t, and T array k = ratedata.k t = np.linspace(t0, tf, nt) l = ratedata.logged #make sure this gets stored! return cls(k, t, T, logged = l) if __name__ == '__main__': import rampedpyrox as rp