Source code for rampedpyrox.core_functions

Module to store all the core functions for ``rampedpyrox``.

from __future__ import(

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['assert_len', 'calc_L_curve', 'derivatize', 'extract_moments']

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from collections import Sequence

#import exceptions
from .exceptions import(

#define function to assert length of array
[docs]def assert_len(data, n): ''' Asserts that an array has length `n` and `float` datatypes. Parameters ---------- data : scalar or array-like Array to assert has length n. If scalar, generates an np.ndarray with length n. n : int Length to assert Returns ------- array : np.ndarray Updated array, now of class np.ndarray and with length n. Raises ------ ArrayError If inputted data not int or array-like (excluding string). LengthError If length of the array is not n. ''' #assert that n is int n = int(n) #assert data is in the right form if isinstance(data, (int, float)): data = data*np.ones(n) elif isinstance(data, Sequence) or hasattr(data, '__array__'): if isinstance(data, str): raise ArrayError( 'Data cannot be a string') elif len(data) != n: raise LengthError( 'Cannot create array of length %r if n = %r' \ % (len(data), n)) else: raise ArrayError('data must be scalar or array-like') return np.array(data).astype(float)
#define package-level function for calculating L curves
[docs]def calc_L_curve( model, timedata, ax = None, plot = False, nLam = 150, lam_max = 1e2, lam_min = 1e-3): ''' Function to calculate the L-curve for a given model and timedata instance in order to choose the best-fit smoothing parameter, `lambda`. Parameters ---------- model : rp.Model ``rp.Model`` instance containing the A matrix to use for L curve calculation. timedata : rp.TimeData ``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the time and fraction remaining arrays to use in L curve calculation. Keyword Arguments ----------------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None` and ``plot = True``, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. plot : Boolean Tells the method to plot the resulting L curve or not. lam_min : int Minimum lambda value to search. Defaults to 1e-3. lam_max : int Maximum lambda value to search. Defaults to 1e2. nLam : int Number of lambda values to consider. Defaults to 150. Returns ------- lam_best : float The calculated best-fit lambda value. axis : None or matplotlib.axis If ``plot = True``, returns an updated axis handle with plot. Raises ------ ScalarError If `lam_max` or `lam_min` are not int or float. ScalarError If `nLam` is not int. See Also -------- Daem.calc_L_curve Instance method for ``calc_L_curve``. References ---------- [1] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Inverse method for calculating respiration rates from decay time series. *Biogeosciences*, **9**, 3601-3612. [2] P.C. Hansen (1994) Regularization tools: A Matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems. *Numerical Algorithms*, **6**, 1-35. ''' a = model.calc_L_curve( timedata, ax = ax, plot = plot, nLam = nLam, lam_max = lam_max, lam_min = lam_max) return a
#define function to derivatize an array w.r.t. another array
[docs]def derivatize(num, denom): ''' Method for derivatizing numerator, `num`, with respect to denominator, `denom`. Parameters ---------- num : int or array-like The numerator of the numerical derivative function. denom : array-like The denominator of the numerical derivative function. Length `n`. Returns ------- derivative : rparray An ``np.ndarray`` instance of the derivative. Length `n`. Raises ------ ArrayError If `denom` is not array-like. See Also -------- numpy.gradient The method used to calculate derivatives Notes ----- This method uses the ``np.gradient`` method to calculate derivatives. If `denom` is a scalar, resulting array will be all ``np.inf``. If both `num` and `denom` are scalars, resulting array will be all ``np.nan``. If either `num` or `denom` are 1d and the other is 2d, derivative will be calculated column-wise. If both are 2d, each column will be derivatized separately. ''' #assert denom is the right type if isinstance(denom, Sequence) or hasattr(denom, '__array__'): if isinstance(denom, str): raise ArrayError('denom cannot be a string') else: raise ArrayError('denom must be array-like') #make sure the arrays are the same length, or convert num to array if # scalar n = len(denom) num = assert_len(num, n) #calculate separately for each dimensionality case if num.ndim == denom.ndim == 1: dndd = np.gradient(num)/np.gradient(denom) elif num.ndim == denom.ndim == 2: dndd = np.gradient(num)[0]/np.gradient(denom)[0] #note recursive list comprehension when dimensions are different elif num.ndim == 2 and denom.ndim == 1: col_der = [derivatize(col, denom) for col in num.T] dndd = np.column_stack(col_der) elif num.ndim == 1 and denom.ndim == 2: col_der = [derivatize(num, col) for col in denom.T] dndd = np.column_stack(col_der) return dndd
#define function to extract 1st and 2nd moments for a distribution
[docs]def extract_moments(x, y): ''' Extracts 1st (mean) and 2nd (stdev) moments from a distribution. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Array of x values, length `n`. y : np.ndarray Array of y values, length `n`. Returns ------- mu : float First moment of distribution. sigma : float Second moment of distribution. ''' #assert lengths n = len(x) y = assert_len(y, n) #calculate first moment scalar = 1/np.sum(y*np.gradient(x)) mu = np.sum(x*y*scalar*np.gradient(x)) sigsq = np.sum((x - mu)**2 * y*scalar*np.gradient(x)) sigma = sigsq**0.5 return mu, sigma
#define function for plotting raw thermogram with isotopes
[docs]def plot_tg_isotopes(timedata, result, ax = None, plt_corr = True): ''' Function to plot raw timedata (e.g. RPO thermogram) and isotope values. Parameters ---------- ax : None or matplotlib.axis Axis to plot on. If `None`, automatically creates a ``matplotlip.axis`` instance to return. Defaults to `None`. plt_corr : str If `plt_var` is 'Fm' or 'd13C', `plt_corr` tells the method whether to plot raw or corrected values (if corrected values exist). result : rp.Results ``rp.Results`` instance containing the isotope results to plot. timedata : rp.TimeData ``rp.TimeData`` instance containing the derivative timedata (e.g. rpo thermogram) to plot. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axis Updated axis instance with plotted data. Warnings -------- UserWarning If `timedata` does not contain derivative timedata, dgdt. UserWarning If `result` does not contain any of the necessary isotope attributes. ArrayError if `plt_corr` is `True` but no corrected data exist. ArrayError If `result` does not contain any of: d13C, Fm. ''' #extract the timedata dgdt try: dgdt = timedata.dgdt except AttributeError: #raise warning warnings.warn( 'TimeData instance does not contain dgdt attribute! Proceeding' ' to plot isotopes only!') #proceed with dgdt = None dgdt = None #extract t array also t = timedata.t #extract isotope data if plt_corr is True: flag = '_corr' else: flag = '_raw' #check that isotope attributes exist and extract if so d13C = getattr(result, 'd13C' + flag, None) d13C_std = getattr(result, 'd13C' + flag + '_std', None) Fm = getattr(result, 'Fm' + flag, None) Fm_std = getattr(result, 'Fm' + flag + '_std', None) #raise warning if no isotope data exist if d13C is None and Fm is None: #raise warning warnings.warn( 'Result instance does not contain d13C or Fm attributes!' ' Proceeding to thermogram only!') #create axis if necessary if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) #calculate time elapsed in each fraction and midpoints DT = result.t_frac[:,1] - result.t_frac[:,0] x = result.t_frac[:,0] + DT/2 #create string to add variables to for legend lns = [] #plot d13C if d13C is not None: d13C_plot = ax.errorbar( x, d13C, yerr = d13C_std, marker = 'o', ecolor = 'k', markersize = 12, mec = 'k', mfc = 'w', elinewidth = 1, markeredgewidth = 1, capsize = 0, ls = 'none', zorder = 3, label = r'fraction $\delta^{13}C$') #set label ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta^{13}C$ (VPDB)') #append legend lns.append(d13C_plot) #copy axis ax2 = ax.twinx() #plot Fm, if it exists if Fm is not None: Fm_plot = result.t_frac[:,0] + DT/2, Fm, width = DT, color = 'none', edgecolor = 'k', #ADDED 5 NOV 2018 linewidth = 1.5, zorder = 2, label = 'fraction Fm') #set label ax2.set_ylabel('Fm') #append legend lns.append(Fm_plot) #find max Fm value mFm = np.max(Fm) else: mFm = 1.0 #add thermogram plot if it exists if dgdt is not None: #scale thermogram to match Fm mtg = np.max(-dgdt) tg_scaled = -dgdt*mFm/mtg #plot thermogram tg_plot = ax2.fill_between( t, np.zeros(len(t)), tg_scaled, facecolor = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], edgecolor = 'k', alpha = 0.3, label = 'thermogram (normalized)', zorder = 1) #append legend lns.append(tg_plot) #set x label and limits ax.set_xlabel('time (seconds)') ax2.set_ylim([0, 1.1*mFm]) #get legend of everything in one labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] ax.legend( lns, labs, loc = 'best', frameon = False) #make tight layout plt.tight_layout() return ax, ax2