Package Reference Documentation =============================== The following classes and methods form the `rampedpyrox` package: Ramped PyrOx classes -------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ rampedpyrox.RpoThermogram rampedpyrox.Daem rampedpyrox.EnergyComplex rampedpyrox.RpoIsotopes Ramped PyrOx methods -------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ rampedpyrox.assert_len rampedpyrox.calc_L_curve rampedpyrox.derivatize rampedpyrox.extract_moments rampedpyrox.plot_tg_isotopes References ---------- The following references were used during creation of the core ``rampedpyrox`` pacakge or provide information regarding the choice of user-inputted parameters (*i.e.* `logk0`, `omega`, and DE). [1] R.L Braun and A.K. Burnham (1987) Analysis of chemical reaction kinetics using a distribution of activation energies and simpler models. *Energy & Fuels*, **1**, 153-161. [2] B. Cramer (2004) Methane generation from coal during open system pyrolysis investigated by isotope specific, Gaussian distributed reaction kinetics. *Organic Geochemistry*, **35**, 379-392. [3] B. Cramer et al. (1998) Modeling isotope fractionation during primary cracking of natural gas: A reaction kinetic approach. *Chemical Geology*, **149**, 235-250. [4] B. Cramer et al. (2001) Reaction kinetics of stable carbon isotopes in natural gas -- Insights from dry, open system pyrolysis experiments. *Energy & Fuels*, **15**, 517-532. [5] V. Dieckmann (2005) Modeling petroleum formation from heterogeneous source rocks: The influence of frequency factors on activation energy distribution and geological prediction. *Marine and Petroleum Geology*, **22**, 375-390. [6] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Common structure in the heterogeneity of plant-matter decay. *Journal of the Royal Society Interface*, rsif.2012.0122. [7] D.C. Forney and D.H. Rothman (2012) Inverse method for calculating respiration rates from decay time series. *Biogeosciences*, **9**, 3601-3612. [8] P.C. Hansen (1987) Rank-deficient and discrete ill-posed problems: Numerical aspects of linear inversion (monographs on mathematical modeling and computation). *Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics*. [9] P.C. Hansen (1994) Regularization tools: A Matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems. *Numerical Algorithms*, **6**, 1-35. [10] J.D. Hemingway et al. (2017) Assessing the blank carbon contribution, isotope mass balance, and kinetic isotope fractionation of the ramped pyrolysis/oxidation instrument at NOSAMS. *Radiocarbon*, **in press**. [11] C.C. Lakshmananan et al. (1991) Implications of multiplicity in kinetic parameters to petroleum exploration: Distributed activation energy models. *Energy & Fuels*, **5**, 110-117. [12] Rosenheim et al. (2008) Antarctic sediment chronology by programmed-temperature pyrolysis: Methodology and data treatment. *Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems*, **9(4)**, GC001816. [13] J.E. White et al. (2011) Biomass pyrolysis kinetics: A comparative critical review with relevant agricultural residue case studies. *Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis*, **91**, 1-33.